收藏本站 让广大创业者及微小企业便捷、省心、省钱。


1.You can be happy to live just by yourself銆侶owever,it cannot be called bless銆?/p>

2.I don鈥檛 want to live without you. 鎴戠殑鐢熷懡涓笉鑳芥病鏈変綘銆?/p>

3.You鈥檙e more than a shadow, I鈥檝e just to believe. 鎴戝潥淇?浣犱笉浼氬彧鏄垜鐢熷懡涓殑涓€涓繃瀹€?/p>

4.When you insist on your leaving, sorry just means nothing to me. 褰撲綘鍧氭寔瑕佺鍘?璇村涓嶈捣鍙堟湁浠€涔堟剰涔夈€?/p>

5.In the future,I will not wait,even if you are in銆?/p>

6.I鈥檓 leaving you because you never asked me to stay銆?/p>

7.Do not be world filled with pride, in my eyes you are nothing,

8.Well maby Two is better than one,I need you now.

9.You know my loneliness is only kept for you,my sweet songs are only sung for you銆?/p>

10.Always remember to be happy because you never know who鈥檚 falling in love with your smile. 璁板緱瑕佸紑蹇冨櫌,浣犳案杩滀笉浼氱煡閬撹皝浼氬洜涓轰綘鐨勫井绗戣€岀埍涓婁綘銆?/p>

11.鎴戜粠鏉ヤ笉鑷娆轰汉銆傛垜鍙湅鐪熷疄銆侷 never told you. I only see the truth.

12.Dont want to swim and do not want to carry out an order.涓嶆兂闅忔尝閫愭祦 鍙堜笉鎯宠鍛界嫭琛?/p>

13.Never give up,Never lose the opportunity to succeed銆?/p>

14.Time changed your appearance in Russia, but can not change the appearance of the Russian love you.鏃堕棿鏀瑰彉浜嗕綘淇勭殑鏍峰瓙,鍗存敼鍙樹笉浜嗕縿鐖变綘鐨勬牱瀛愩€?/p>

15.Dont make me wait for you just because you know I will.鍒洜涓虹煡閬撴垜浼氱瓑浣? 灏辨妸鎴戞櫨鍦ㄩ偅鍎跨瓑銆?/p>

16.Thank you for friendship. 璋㈣阿浣犵殑鍙嬭皧銆?/p>

17.Make a note to yourself to start thinking more about what you have than what you want . If you do , your life will start appearing much better than before . For perhaps the first time in your life , you鈥檒l know what it means to feel satisfied.璁颁綇浠庣幇鍦ㄥ紑濮?澶氭兂鎯充綘鎷ユ湁鐨?鑰屼笉鏄綘鎯宠鐨勩€傚鏋滀綘杩欐牱鍋?浣犵殑鐢熸椿灏变細姣斾互鍓嶆洿缇庡ソ,鎴栬浣犵敓骞崇涓€娆℃噦寰椾簡蹇冩弧鎰忚冻鐨勫惈涔夈€?/p>

18.I always say yes and mean no that you think that I was strong鎴戞€绘槸鍙f槸蹇冮潪浠ヨ嚦浜庝綘璁や负鎴戝緢鍧氬己

19.Im hot going to kid you. 鎴戜笉鏄窡浣犲紑鐜╃瑧鐨?/p>

20.I will be strong enough to make you feel bad銆傛垜浼氬潥寮虹殑璁╀綘閮藉績鐤?/p>

21.Pardon me because I can not love you again銆?鍘熻皡鎴戜笉鑳藉啀鐖变綘浜?鈥?/p>

22.May our friendship grow more mature as time passes[鎰挎垜浠殑鍙嬫儏宀佹湀鐨勬祦閫濊€屾洿鍔犳垚鐔焆

23.Everything I do is silently, bitter sweet, more is their chewing heartache.鎴戝仛鐨勪竴鍒囬兘鏄粯榛樼殑,鏈夎嫤鏈夌敎,鏇村鐨勬槸鑷繁鍜€鍤煎績鐥涖€?/p>

24.But carefully as you pass by銆傛紶鐒惰矾杩囧嵈绮惧績涓轰綘銆?/p>

25.Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again銆?/p>

26.Later, I understand the most precious feelings never need to hold in the palm of the hand.鍚庢潵鎴戞槑鐧芥渶鐝嶈吹鐨勬劅鎯呬粠鏉ヤ笉鐢ㄦ崸鍦ㄦ墜蹇冦€?/p>

27.[ I just wanna be with you. 鎴戝彧鎯冲拰浣犲湪涓€璧枫€俔

28.I dont mind if you heat me.It doesnt matter at all.Im not living to please you.鎴戝苟涓嶅湪涔庝綘璁ㄥ帉鎴?鎴戜笉鏄负浜嗗彇鎮︿綘鑰屾椿.

29.Hells Gate Arrested,God Wiht us,And Shine Heaven Now銆?/p>

30.Not give each other a happy man, is life does not need goodbye.缁欎笉浜嗗郊姝ゅ垢绂忕殑浜?鏄粓韬笉闇€瑕佸啀瑙佺殑浜恒€?/p>

31.Because when young, with a total want of good in the future.鍙洜閭f椂骞村皯,鎬绘妸鏈潵鎯崇殑澶ソ銆?/p>

32.I鈥檓 loath for you to leave銆?鎴戣垗涓嶅緱浣犺蛋

33.Commitment in many, can do. It is just a lie. 鎵胯鍐嶅,閮藉仛涓嶅埌銆傞偅涔熷彧涓嶈繃杩樻槸璋庤█銆?/p>

34.Recall the broken then do not put toge鍥炲繂纰庝簡渚挎嫾鍑戜笉鍥炴潵

35.You made my life,Hollybut Im just one chapter in yours. 浣犲畬鏁翠簡鎴戠殑浜虹敓,浣嗘垜鍗村彧鏄綘浜虹敓涓殑杩囧銆?/p>

36.Love has you only then to be perfect.鐖辫鏈変綘鎵嶅畬缇庛€?/p>

37.ever tried. ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail betterNo matter how long the rain lasts, there will be a rainbow in the end. You are the one I want to grow old with. 鎴戞効涓庝綘鐧藉ご鍒板ご

38.Do not be afraid, just like my this heart, forever is your home銆傚埆鎬?灏卞儚鎴戠殑杩欓蹇?姘歌繙閮芥槸浣犵殑瀹躲€?/p>


40.Girl wanna put you up in my room. 濂冲,鎴戞兂鎷ユ姳浣犮€?/p>

41.Cherish each other while moving on together[涓旇鍒囩弽鎯淽

42.What can I say to make you understand? 鎰夸綘鎳傛垜

43.There is always a lierso In my heart

44.I love you than ever at any time, but this is the last time I will not say anymore.鎴戞瘮鏇剧粡浠讳綍鏃跺€欓兘鐖变綘,浣嗚繖鏄渶鍚庝竴娆℃垜浠ュ悗鍐嶄篃涓嶄細璇翠簡銆?/p>

45.I will learn to give you because I love you .鎴戜細瀛︾潃鏀惧純浣?鏄洜涓烘垜澶埍浣?

46.Believe you can and you鈥檙e halfway there. 鐩镐俊鑷繁鑳藉仛鍒?浣犲氨宸茬粡鎴愬姛浜嗕竴鍗娿€?/p>

47.I do not follow, I live is always all you want銆傛垜涓嶄細閬靛惊,鎴戣繃鐨勭敓娲讳粠鏉ラ兘鏄嚜宸辨兂瑕佺殑銆?/p>

48.Life must be lived with love, happiness, and dreamsI am me, a happy crazy, is not happy to keep quiet.钃濆ぉ閮藉紑濮嬪彉寰楁祽娴?鐪兼唱鎬庝箞浼氭竻婢堛€?are beginning to bee cloudy sky, how the tears will clear.

49.Time profound rather than shallow,please don鈥檛 used to mourn rather than miss銆?/p>

50.I like to present myself. I miss out past!鎴戝枩娆㈢幇鍦ㄧ殑鑷繁,鎴戞€€蹇佃繃鍘荤殑鎴戜滑!

51.A kiss begins a drop of tears

52.want to say goodbye may is not far. I believe that you can hear you.鎯宠鍐嶈鎰夸负鏃朵笉杩溿€傛垜鍧氫俊浣犺兘鍚銆?/p>

53.Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.鍦ㄤ綘鎯充簡瑙e埆浜轰篃鎯宠鍒汉浜嗚В浣犱箣鍓?鍏堝畬鍠勫苟浜嗚В鑷繁銆?/p>


55.I fake a smile because I dont want you to worry about what Im feeling.鎴戝己棰滄绗戝彧鏄负浜嗚浣犱笉鎷呭績鎴戙€?/p>

56.Life is simple, you make choices and you dont look back.浜虹敓寰堢畝鍗?鍋氫簡鍐冲畾灏变笉瑕佸悗鎮斻€?/p>

57.Waiting for you,my love.鎴戠瓑鐫€浣?鎴戠殑鐖便€?/p>

58.Sometimes its better to be aloneNobody can hurt you鏈夋椂鍊?瀛ゅ崟涓€浜哄弽鑰屾洿濂姐€傛病浜轰激瀹冲緱浜嗕綘銆?/p>

59.She is good, let you so love. 濂瑰摢閲屽ソ,璁╀綘杩欎箞鐖便€?/p>

60.No pains no gains. 娌℃湁浠樺嚭灏辨病鏈夋敹鑾枫€?/p>

61.If you let me stay. 濡傛灉浣犺鎴戝仠鐣欍€?/p>

62.Acpany me to go to the future from a friend to bee an old friend.闄垜璧板埌浠ュ悗 浠庣煡宸卞彉鎴愯€佸弸銆?/p>

63.Never say die. 姘镐笉姘旈!

64.Thank you for standing behind me.鎰熻阿浣犱竴鐩存敮鎸佺潃鎴戙€?/p>

65.May we all have the power to love ourselves and others.鎰挎垜浠?閮芥湁鑳藉姏鐖辫嚜宸?鏈変綑鍔涚埍鍒汉 銆?/p>

66.Never give up your dreams. Miracles happen everyday.

67.Ive been hdding their cry to helpless鎴戞浘鎶辩潃鑷繁鍝埌鏃犲姪

68.No matter how beautiful the memory is, it just belongs to the past.鍥炲繂鍐嶇編濂?涔熷彧鏄浘缁忋€?/p>

69.Meet each other, do not waste this lifetime閬囪褰兼,涓嶆瀴姝ょ敓銆?/p>

70.I look not beautiful but I have to do my own.鎴戦暱寰椾笉缇?浣嗘槸鎴戜竴鐩村仛鎴戣嚜宸便€?/p>

71.Sad,eyes closed,listening to the sounds around,immerse yourself in the hustle and bustle銆?/p>

72.Life is beautiful, but its plicated. We barely make it. We dont need to understand. There are miracles, miracles.

73.I have loneliness and mellow,will you go with me?鎴戞湁瀛ょ嫭鍜岀編閰?鍚涙効鍚﹁窡鎴戣蛋?

74.I鈥檓 longing to see you my love. 鎴戞复鏈涜浣?鎴戠殑鐖变汉銆?/p>

75.Can not be with my long why you pretended to love me[涓嶈兘浼存垜闀夸箙浣犱綍蹇呭亣瑁呮繁鐖辨垜]

76.In life, couples meet because of fate. To go through life together is happiness.璧板湪涓€璧锋槸缂樺垎,涓€璧峰湪璧版槸骞哥銆?/p>

77.Know, how again recover also just air銆傛槑鐭ラ亾,鍐嶆€庝箞鎸藉洖涔熷彧鏄┖姘斻€?/p>

78.Do what you love with himher and fuck the rest.鍜屾湁鎯呬汉鍋氬揩涔愪簨,鍒棶鏄姭鏄紭銆?/p>

79.Even next second we didnt meet, on one second we will meet.鍗充娇涓嬩竴绉掓垜浠病鏈夌浉閬?涓婁竴绉掓垜浠篃浼氱浉瑙併€?/p>

80.I want you nothing else,just you.鎴戝浠€涔堥兘鏃犳墍璋?闄や簡浣?/p>

81.As long as I love you,it does not matter whether you love me.浣犱笉鐖辨垜娌″叧绯?鍙鎴戠埍浣犲氨濂姐€?/p>

82.I am not ignoring you銆?I am just waiting for you to talk to me first銆?鈥斺€斺€斺€斺€斺€?鎴戜笉鏄笉鐞嗕綘,鎴戝彧鏄湪绛?/p>

83.Now silence a became the tacit understanding濡備粖鐨勬矇榛樺凡鍙樻垚浜嗛粯濂?

84.I love you a lot. The but again Choose to be lonely.鎴戠埍浣犲緢澶氥€傚嵈鍙堥€夋嫨瀵傚癁銆?/p>

85.To be happy with a man, you should know him better than love him.

86.There is no remedy for love but to love more銆?/p>

87.Our happiness, only half the practice, learned to leave, but did not learn to forget.

88.Love,It would have to be to you[鐖?瀹冨彧灞炰簬浣燷

89.Continue to dream as waiting for the paradise in the hell in the memories.鍦ㄥ洖蹇嗛噷缁х画姊﹀够涓嶅鍦ㄥ湴鐙遍噷绛夊緟澶╁爞銆?/p>



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